Getting Started


PPAR can be a powerful addition to your organization’s toolbox because it is a way to tap into community energy and knowledge, but it doesn’t bring about results by magic. Success comes from preparation, practice and persistence.

There will be a natural inclination to want to get started on the "real work" of research immediately, but, in the long run, developing an understanding of organization principles and research fundamentals will pay off. The modules presented below will give you a solid basis in approaches for working together as an effective team, a deeper understanding of the principles of Parent Participatory Action Research (PPAR), and the essentials of working as part of a community.


In large part, the resources presented in the PPAR Hub were developed by SoLaHmo and Project TRUST. A number of these activities and worksheets were adapted from materials found at the YPAR Hub, to whom we owe a debt of gratitude.

YPAR stands for Youth Participatory Action Research, and was developed by the University of California at Berkeley.

Feel free to download and share any of the training activities you find in these modules.

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Working Together

Training modules/Activities

Parent Participatory Action Research (PPAR) Basics

Training modules/Activities


Training modules/Activities